Compiling BennuGD on Mac OSX

Started by seyhbold, May 27, 2010, 02:27:28 PM

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Hi all,

did someone manage to get BennuGD on Mac OSX working? I found some forum entries here but only in spanish which I cannot read.

Thank you very much


This package should work relatively fine:

There's an issue, however. Depending on which modules you load (or, specifically, depending on which modules you don't load) BennuGD might crash when quitting.

To be able to use the package, you must set (in the PATH variable to point to where bgdc & bgdi are located and the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to where the dylib modules are.
To do so, go to the dir containing both bgdc and bgdi and do:
[code language="bash"]export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)[/code]
then go to the directory with the dylib files and do:
luego te vas al directorio donde están los ficheros.dylib y escribes:
[code language="bash"]export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)[/code]

Then you're ready to go.

PS: Welcome! :)


Thank you, I will try this tonight.


Sorry for bumping this old topic, but I need some extra help here.
Don't know what I'm missing, but I've followed the instructions in the earlier post, but I can't seem to get it to work. What do I need to do after I've exported the paths to make a *.app-file? Or do I need to run the sourcefiles directly?


After you've compiled, you'll get a file called bgdc and another one called bgdi, that's all.
If you want to create a .app for your game, you'll have to package it yourself. Anyway, there are relatively up-to-date binaries for OSX in the downloads section of the main page.


Quote from: josebita on November 03, 2010, 03:38:15 PM
After you've compiled, you'll get a file called bgdc and another one called bgdi, that's all.
If you want to create a .app for your game, you'll have to package it yourself. Anyway, there are relatively up-to-date binaries for OSX in the downloads section of the main page.
Why 2 files? And what do I do with them? Sorry, I'm a bit confused. It seems much more straightforward when doing it on Windows.


You get pretty much the same files as you do in windows: the compiler (bgdc) and the interpreter (bgdi) and a bunch of modules (*.dylib)
As it happens in Windows, if you double-click any of them, nothing will happen. You have to run then from a console (e.g. bgdc test.prg; bgdi test.dcb), once they've been added to your PATH and you've set the appropriate environment libs.

If you don't know how to do this, I can write a few lines summary of what you have to do.

PS: Please remember that OSX is not an officially supported platform, and as such, many things might be broken.
PS2: For a Bennu app bundled in a normal .app directory, have a look at my karaoke game here.


Quote from: josebita on November 03, 2010, 04:06:40 PM
You get pretty much the same files as you do in windows: the compiler (bgdc) and the interpreter (bgdi) and a bunch of modules (*.dylib)
As it happens in Windows, if you double-click any of them, nothing will happen. You have to run then from a console (e.g. bgdc test.prg; bgdi test.dcb), once they've been added to your PATH and you've set the appropriate environment libs.

If you don't know how to do this, I can write a few lines summary of what you have to do.

PS: Please remember that OSX is not an officially supported platform, and as such, many things might be broken.
PS2: For a Bennu app bundled in a normal .app directory, have a look at my karaoke game here.

I'm pretty much at home in a console environment after working with Linux for several years, so I think I will be fine. But is it a problem if I'm running Snow Leopard 64-bit when the OSx version on the Bennu site is for 32-bit?


No, it's not a problem at all. I have pretty much the same config :)