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Started by josebita, September 23, 2011, 05:07:44 PM

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I've set up a Ubuntu-based virtual machine using virtualbox (might work with vmware, too, but I haven't tested it) that automatically compiles the latest BennuGD code for the following systems:

  • Linux x86
  • Windows 32 bits
  • Wiz
  • Caanoo
  • Android (based on my monolithic branch)
  • Wii (based on my monolithic branch)
To use it, just download it and import it into virtualbox, then run it. Username is "buildbot" with password "botbuild".
To build the code, just run ./build in the command line. Succesfully built binaries will go into the bennugd_bin folder.

Get it from here.

Please understand that this virtual machine is based upon Ubuntu Server 11.04 and thus it has no graphical interface installed. If you want to turn it into a regular Ubuntu install, execute the following command within the virtual machine:
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

PS: I uploaded this in a very slow connection, I hope it's correct but please let me know if you find any errors. The MD5 sum of the file should be:
MD5 (Ubuntu Buildbot.ova) = a5d3016ad97c79de6f12085349714f76
PS2: This might become an official buildbot one day if we have time to set it up correctly, I'm releasing it to let people compile the latest code easily.
PS3: Ironically, Bennu is not installed in the machine :)


Great stuff!  :) Btw, do you know if there's any good cannoo emulators out there? Malvado 1.7 is practically done and I would like to know if it actually runs on a wiz/cannoo. I have taken these systems into account to some degree, but I don't have either of them to test it out.


No idea, but I'm sure that if you publish some preview binaries, some user will come and help you test it :)