r342 released

Started by SplinterGU, August 09, 2017, 02:55:21 PM

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Changes from r335 to r342 (I was pending details from some releases, I include it here)

[bugfix] dirty rects fix
[bugfix] crash with mod_debug

[bugfix] put_screen bug

[bugfix] transparents maps on 32bits (bitmap_analize bug)

[bugfix] globals vars in libmode
[bugfix] if argument was named as a globals vars, the global var was used. Now parameters named as globals vars are locals of the functions.
[feature] Add configuration files (.ini) support

Configuration files support:

Must be named like dcb file but with extension .ini, for example, dcb file is named "mygame.dcb", configuration file must be named "mygame.ini"

A sample of content of this file

# comments 1
; comments 2

; Section [bennugd] is used for bennugd engine
; all keys are optionals


video.mode=320x240x32 ; <width>x<height>[x<depth>]
video.fullscreen=0 ; 1=fullscreen - 0=window mode

# video.scale_resolution=800x600 ; <width>x<height>
# video.scale_resolution_aspectratio=0 ; 0 = normal
                                       ; 1 = left
                                       ; 2 = down
                                       ; 3 = right
# video.scale_resolution_orientation=0 ; 0 = stretch
                                       ; 1 = preserve

Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2