Wii and Symbian

Started by Imerion, April 11, 2009, 01:28:38 PM

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Hello everyone! My first post here! I am currently switching from Fenix to Bennu, so I decided to register on this forum.

I was wondering about a thing. I noticed a discussion about a Wii version of the Bennu interpreter on this forum, but it is in Spanish so I don't understand it. So I wonder, could someone sum that thread up for me? Is there a Wii-version under development?

I also wonder if it would be possible to create a Symbian version. Symbian is used quite a lot on many different mobile phones and it would be cool to be able to run games on them. There are a few different versions of SDL available for Symbian, so I guess it should be possible to port the interpreter. Perhaps someone has already tried?
Try my games : Neotron Games


Hi! Welcome!

Wii-version is an compiled version of bennu in wii, works on linux wii.

PiXeL can give you more details.
Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


About symbian, I understand SDL works in it, but I don't remember anyone porting it.

And sorry, but we tend to write a lot in Spanish. If you don't mind, you can use google translate to translate the posts. Still, you're more than welcome to post in English (of course).