Hello everyone!
As you might know, BennuGD was ported on Dreamcast : http://forum.bennugd.org/index.php?topic=2811.0
I have always been a big Dreamcast and I like making some aplications for this machine. I used to code with SDL (which was porte on Dreamast by Chui) but since I am only a novice who makes applications in his free time, I would need a higher level library - with dedicated functions for animations, collisions etc.
So I was very happy to learn that BennuGD was ported on Dreamcast !
I followed a few tutorials and made a basic application (that displays "hello" on the screen) and before moving forwards, I would like to port this basic application on Dreamcast. And I just don't know how to create a propre CDI image.
I don't know if someone has already experience with this and could help me.
Exemples for Dreamcast can be downloaded here :http://code.google.com/p/bennugddreamcast/downloads/list
And the doc file says this :
1. compile prg file with current bennupack 2.2,
and remember, dc root directory are "cd",
byex: fpg_open("/cd/file.fpg");
2. rename .dcb file to main.dcb
3. copy all resources to same dcb directory
4. copy all files(dcb and resources) in bennu dc executable directory. "bennu dreamcast.exe"
5. create a cdi image with bootdreams
6. ready !!!
Run in nullDC emulator and enable keyboard / mouse emulation.
Bugs: sound and music not work ok.. soon..
Key maps:
DC_A ----------- s
DC_B ----------- d
DC_X ----------- a
DC_Y ----------- w
DC_LEFT -------- LEFT
DC_UP ---------- UP
DC_DOWN -------- DOWN
Other gamepads please use "mod_joy" library.."
I don't know what this "bennu dreamcast.exe" is used for ad it is probably the source of my problem.
What should I do with it ?
Thanks !
http://bennugddreamcast.googlecode.com/files/dreamcast%20bennugd%20tutorial%20for%20newbies.pdf (http://bennugddreamcast.googlecode.com/files/dreamcast%20bennugd%20tutorial%20for%20newbies.pdf)
http://youtu.be/O-7oaifbSDI (http://youtu.be/O-7oaifbSDI)
Whouaaaa!! It should be OK now !!! :)
The Youtube video was posted yesterday, did you post it just because of my post ? THANKS !
I come back to you if I have more questions !
It works like a charm.