This works:
Type Entry;
Entry* zomg;
This doesn't:
Type Entry;
Entry* next;
file.prg:2: error: END expected ("*")
Somehow only failed when using a variable called 'next' in a Type.
Not a bug, as can be concluded from the replies.
next is reserved word...
check c_main.c, you'd must know it...
I will tell it even more awesome: I have no clue what it does. :P
I also browsed through my DIV manual, but couldn't find it. If I had to guess though, it would be to go to the next Case in a Switch statement? Ugh I dunno! ;D
reserved for error handling
Okay, still don't know it. Is there some documentation on it somewhere? Could you explain it otherwise?
Alright, looks interesting. Don't quite understand it all though.
I must say that I find the reservation of 'next' quite annoying. From the looks of it, it doesn't seem to hurt the grammar if you made it possible to have variables called 'next', or am I wrong here?
sorry... use _next