What is font format for fnt_load?

Started by EugeneP, October 25, 2010, 05:58:33 AM

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Not exactly what you're talking about, but I believe it's related:
I believe I've said this earlier, but I'd be happy to give copyright to Splinter or relicense as needed my mod_iconv library (or mod_vlc or any library Splinter finds useful) if he found it useful to integrate it into BennuGD.

Also, I've found out that iconv is not really needed to compile or use mod_iconv as SDL provides all the needed functionality, so it should be just as portable as BennuGD.


for josebita:

Joseba, seria bueno si me podes pasar algun sample y alguna introduccion a tu mod_iconv, para analizarlo y ver la posibilidad de incluirlo en bennugd como modulo oficial, desconozco si hay posibilidad de que esto pueda integrarse nativamente sin que nadie tenga que llamar a las funciones iconv para hacer la conversion, pero si es posible y sabes como seria la cosa me gustaria escuchar que me podes decir al respecto.
Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


Well, the zip attached to my post is actually draft of custom font system. It'll be ready in a few days :)

Integrating mod_ttf would be good. Making warps around SDL_ttf functions would be even better. (just pass string directly to TTF_RenderUTF8)


There are some features on FNT format that you can't change if you use NEW_FNT, this is why i want to make my own FNT editor (I did a FNT bpp edit, all in bennu code, using maps and creating FNT files from scratch).
FNT support 2 charcodes only, so if you want to play with more, mod_fnt isn't enough. Mod_fnt is a basic library, we cannot write from right to left nor up to down, rotate or scale text...

FNT format is free, you can see it on wiki (or maybe i will have it around here) and can do them with file functions. It's easy, really.
DIV-likes never were good enough to work with text, but this is why we are here an Bennu is open source ;)

For asian characters, they use a reduced set of them, but when tehy write on PC, if two or more characters can join in existing one, the CPU change them to their correct character, so no need to get a 1600 keys keyboard :D :D :D
Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


Ok, this is solution of my initial problem in bennu.
Library can load PSF ver.1 fonts, assign an encoding and render 8-bit text lines.


Great looking!

This might be really useful for the next version of my karaoke!


Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


2 josebita
This exactly code is result of one sleepless night. It's more like proof of concept than real thing. I would recommend you wait for week or two till I release my cursed Pong :) It would contain tested and polished font & localization system.