libdes, 64-bit

Started by limb, November 24, 2009, 02:03:02 PM

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Hi, Jon Ciesla, Fedora Project.

We have a Games SIG (Special Interest Group), and Bennu was brought to our attention.  I took a look at the code, and discovered that there were two issues that might preclude it's inclusion in Fedora. 

One is the lack of 64-bit support.  This is not a deal breaker, but would be very nice.

The other is that Bennu bundles libdes, which does not seem to have an active upstream.  Is there an active upstream of which you are aware?  The reason I ask is that in Fedora, we prefer not to include or use bundled libraries, but use system versions instead, so that we can easily update them for security fixes, etc.  libdes is not yet in Fedora, and the preferred path for us would be to get libdes in, then use it to build Bennu and get it included in Fedora at that point.

Any comments or advice would be wonderful, since this would open the door to including Bennu-based Free Software in Fedora, which would benefit everyone.



What is the purpose of libdes? As far as I know it only affects mod_crypt, doesn't it?
I would move it from the "first party" modules to external modules, if everyone agrees.


According to what SplinterGU (the main developer for the project) wrote in a post not long ago, 64 bit support is coming.


Cool, good suggests...

I'm thinking in change crypt method for other standard lib... and I'll include 64bits supports soon...

Thanks for interest...
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Quote from: SplinterGU on November 25, 2009, 12:11:03 AM

I'm thinking in change crypt method for other standard lib... and I'll include 64bits supports soon...

Great news, thank you for your job.