Notepad++ Save and Run Plugin Found.

Started by Ariel Yust, August 22, 2011, 08:18:41 PM

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Ariel Yust

Hey long time no seen =]

I was searching for a new IDE for writing in Bennu and thought about trying to use Notepad++ instead of Context
the problem was that when I compiled my code and ran it, it requires me to save the file first! (ctrl+s) which is annoying~! so I came across this plugin which works and its totally free.

I would recommend adding it to the Bennu Pack inside the Notepad++ Plugins

AutoSave version 1.30

create a folder named plugins inside your notepad++ folder
for me the AutoSaveU.dll file was the one that worked and notepad++ deleted the other one
open Notepad++ and scroll to Plugins->Auto Save->Options
unable Notepad++ Loses Focus press ok

now when you press F6 for compile and run game it will automatically save your code and run the game =]
Play  **Zombies On My Grass**  !  >:}


Ariel Yust

Yes it was the first thing I tried and it went totally wrong.
I'm looking forward to using it when it's ready.

I got all sort of errors and couldn't even assign the Bennu files
I hope you have collapse feature and the Div F5 feature which was a list of all the processes

btw I'm using Windows 7 64bit maybe that's the reason
Play  **Zombies On My Grass**  !  >:}


Quote from: Ariel Yust on August 22, 2011, 10:07:36 PM
Yes it was the first thing I tried and it went totally wrong.
I'm looking forward to using it when it's ready.

I got all sort of errors and couldn't even assign the Bennu files
I hope you have collapse feature and the Div F5 feature which was a list of all the processes

btw I'm using Windows 7 64bit maybe that's the reason
You must install it in the Program Files x86 folder for it to work on 64 bit. That worked for me.