
Started by MisterN, March 04, 2011, 03:22:55 AM

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Hello my name is DoctorN. I came here because of the lazyness of booleansoup. I am developing dreamcast hombew so we all know what that means. Im not using bennu, im using its long lost ancestor, fenix. While you may snap at me because this is a bennu thread. I do happen to have a copy of bennu for pc, im just working on the dreamcast right now, and seeing as though the two are similar. I need help starting off my engine for fenix (dreamcast version of my game) then I can expand into the more diverse bennu platform (windows).

by the way, howcome no one has ported it to the dreamcast yet? seriously, the dreamcast and bennu were meant to be together. Saves, rumble, vmu screens, perfection.



Welcome to the bennu world  :D


We need a Dreamcast port :)

By the way,

Welcome to your DOOM!


Welcome to this crazyness :D

There isn't a DC port because noone had a DC (or he doesn't try to port). The oficial ports are maintened by Splinter, but only if he has the target platform. Why? because he needs to do lots of tests, and they are impossible if you don't have the target device.
If you have a DC, an have some experience with C and autotools, maybe you can do the port. I did a (ugly) port to GP2X with no idea, so it's a matter to try ;)
Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


¡Welcome!¡Welcome! ...Again. (The cars) :D
Si quieres ser sabio, aprende a interrogar razonablemente, a escuchar con atención, a responder serenamente y a callar cuando no tengas nada que decir.


Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


well dreamcasts arent that expensive, i bought a perfectly like new console for $40 and it came with a controller, a memory card, and a game. lol


Quote from: DoctorN on March 05, 2011, 03:47:13 PM
well dreamcasts arent that expensive, i bought a perfectly like new console for $40 and it came with a controller, a memory card, and a game. lol

I don't will buy it, but if you want donate it, I'll accept it with glad.

here a DC are from 100 usd.
Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


really? where do you live? i cant really donate mine, but I might know some people. would you be able to just use an emulator or build up from the dreamcast version of fenix?


I don't want that you donate your console, but if you said "dreamcasts arent that expensive", I must said you that here in Argentina is too much expensive for an obsolete console... And you must know that If I must buy each console that some guy need a port, then I'll go to bankruptcy, and this is only a hobby, for me, I would like that this will be my real job, but it doesn't.

The emulators isn't the real hardware.

I really sorry, please, I have hope that you can understand me.
Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


if you can port using using emulated hardware, i can help you on the actual console side. with fenix, if it dlowed down on the dreamcast, chances are it slowed down on the emulator. im just sayin


I can donate a console. However, it would be a US NTSC console. Drop me a PM if you're interested. I'll pay shipping to Argentina.
Fuseki Games
Classic- style games for the Dreamcast
Dreamcast Fenix Resource Page


US NTSC is better for me... thanks!

I'll contact you for PM.

Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


Quote from: DoctorN on March 05, 2011, 11:31:52 PM
if you can port using using emulated hardware, i can help you on the actual console side. with fenix, if it dlowed down on the dreamcast, chances are it slowed down on the emulator. im just sayin

That's the one concern I have with a Dreamcast port. Fenix has some limitations that need to be worked around, and the system specs for the DC are somewhat low compared to PC/Mac and Wii. I suppose if SDL was optimized better for the DC, these limitations could be somewhat overcome. Chui seems to have lost interest due to the lack of interest in Fenix DC development, and he's the one that originally ported SDL and Fenix over to the DC.

Of course, coming from programming Z80 and 6502 assembly back in the day, and having very limited C/C++ skills, my knowledge of such things is limited, so I'm probably somewhat wrong in my observations. I'll send my spare Dreamcast along to SplinterGU and see what he can do with it.
Fuseki Games
Classic- style games for the Dreamcast
Dreamcast Fenix Resource Page


well, if we get bennu for dreamcast with all the goodies in working order im sure dc homebrew will go from (please excuse the following images) 8=D to 8=====================D

dont you need a bba (broadband adapter) splinterGU?