Started by l1nk3rn3l, August 05, 2011, 04:40:03 AM

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Thanks a lot  :) Maybe you can add some info about how collisions work?


Collisions is implemented but not ready..

instead use this formula to calculate distance in 2 points


Quote from: l1nk3rn3l on August 05, 2011, 02:24:26 PM
Collisions is implemented but not ready..

instead use this formula to calculate distance in 2 points

Thanks :)


Pero, esa fórmula no está mal? supongo que se habrá entendido que si XD, pero me llamado la atención que se ponga puntons A y B, y luego en la fórmula se ponga X2, X1, Y2, Y1, cuando deberían ser BX, AX, BY, AY. En fin. Espero que no haya habido confución, y creo que no. Pero por si acaso.... XD
!!!Blender Blender Blender yuhuuuuuuu¡¡¡ novato o_O


Quote from: laghengar on August 06, 2011, 03:19:27 PM
Pero, esa fórmula no está mal? supongo que se habrá entendido que si XD, pero me llamado la atención que se ponga puntons A y B, y luego en la fórmula se ponga X2, X1, Y2, Y1, cuando deberían ser BX, AX, BY, AY. En fin. Espero que no haya habido confución, y creo que no. Pero por si acaso.... XD
English, please!

Anyway, it's just a matter of notation.


This engine looks really nice! I have been looking at it for a while, but wasn't sure if it was finished enough for use. After trying it, it seems to be, at least very soon. :)

Two questions, to anyone who happens to know :
Will there be a Linux version? And is there any possibility of adding OpenGL-rendering, so texture filtering and such could be used?
Try my games : Neotron Games


there any possibility of adding OpenGL-rendering?
is current available, but not included in beta version...   instead use Bennu3d DLL
included in forum (D3D, OpenGL  - use hardware GPU )

Will there be a Linux version?
source code is available and is, 100% portable (you can port it)

texture filtering?
is possible but if time is available, but this kill performance....  >:(


I see! Sounds great! I'll try compiling it myself then.

If it's complicated and slow, texture filtering is probably not necessary. I thought that perhaps OpenGL rendering could make it fast enough. Should be possible to make great looking games without it too though.
Try my games : Neotron Games


Any news on when the docs will be updated?


the last version includes a PDF doc


Quote from: l1nk3rn3l on February 17, 2012, 04:54:05 AM
the last version includes a PDF doc
I had missed that, thanks a bunch  :D



Fantastic, thanks! Will try this soon.

Does this mean that Yeti3D is still recieving updates as a project?


New :

+ Md2 viewer / exporter updated , now support models with 10.000 triangles max, and other features.
+ New mini example sunic
+ minor bug fixes...

Low poly model: max 1000 ~ 2000 triangles (DC and PS2)

Sonic model haves 7000 triangles, in this example..


New MD2 models available..