getting mod_chipmunk to work

Started by xDan, August 31, 2011, 11:46:01 AM

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I'm on windows, I've downloaded the latest mod_chipmunk dll and put it with all the other Bennu DLLs. And I'm using the latest windows Bennu build: bgd-1.0.0RC26(r263)

All I'm doing is import "mod_chipmunk", and that causes a crash ("Application Error - the instruction at xxx referenced memory at yyy. The memory could not be read.")

I'm not using any chipmunk functions at all.

Any ideas?

Maybe I should be using SVN bennu, what version is mod_chipmunk built for?


I believe the latest mod_chipmunk was compiled with an older version of bennu. Just to be sure, why don't you try an older version of chipmunk in the latest bennu?


I've tried some older versions of mod_chipmunk, also some older versions of Bennu... but unless I know the exact version to look for it's really just poking around in the dark... :-\

I have just download a game "All vs Me" from the chipmunk thread which includes an older mod_chipmunk build and some bennu binaries that work with it, so I can use them for the time being.

But still, the latest chipmunk would not even work with that. So if you do know the precise version number that will work with the latest mod_chipmunk, it would be very useful to have it :)