Hello =)

Started by Zip, February 09, 2011, 10:37:20 AM

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Hi to all,
Im Zip, im italian, and i have 18 years..
i like retrogaming and programming =)

i come from visual basic  :-X then AutoIt  ;D
and now im intrested to Bennu  :-*
currently im working on a bomb jack remake for Wiz  =)

my Dream is to going on spain and stay for life  ::)

i dont speak very well english but ive tried XD


Don't worry.  ;D

My english is very very very bad too.  ;D

Si quieres ser sabio, aprende a interrogar razonablemente, a escuchar con atención, a responder serenamente y a callar cuando no tengas nada que decir.


There is no jobs in Spain  ;D


Hi! Welcome. Hope to see your projects soon.


i trust in the help of you all  ::)


Nice to have you here :D
Iván García Subero. Programador, profesor de informática, monitor de actividades culturales y presidente de TRINIT Asociación de Informáticos de Zaragoza. http://trinit.es


Cuidado, tenemos un bot ahí arriba :S
Iván García Subero. Programador, profesor de informática, monitor de actividades culturales y presidente de TRINIT Asociación de Informáticos de Zaragoza. http://trinit.es


Quote from: seiblebiose on August 19, 2011, 12:23:35 AM
Ostentation Guarantee b make amends for Television, or DRTV....

I vote you ban this guy and ad captcha before we get xrumers on the forums
