
Started by Nelson, October 14, 2012, 10:49:49 AM

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Hello everyone.
I am new in this forum and I hope to learn and then teach others to use BennuGd.

I allready made two games, noob games but still games in LUA, and now that i have heard about bennugd i want to port them to it.

Any help from the experts will be good.



Wellcome Nelson, Nice to meet you, I didn't Know LUA, I don't teach you to port, but Ask your questions. Can you read in Spanish? because tutorial's only in Spanish:

The Wiki's only in english (Getting Started):

The creator of BennuGD is SplinterGU, he's the best recommendation to Ask.

Sorry, I can't speak in english very much, but I try to teach you.


Thanks Alex, it´s nice to see that there are some support to help new comers.

I can read Portuguese it's a bit diferent but readable i think....lol

If anyone whats to try my games here they are.


windows only sorry :)



Welcome! A good start to get familiar with the bennuGD language is to download bennupack. It is stuffed with tons of example programs in different levels of difficulty from beginner to expert. Also, you can find a lot of stuff on the wiki.


Quote from: handsource-dyko on October 14, 2012, 03:16:17 PM
Welcome! A good start to get familiar with the bennuGD language is to download bennupack. It is stuffed with tons of example programs in different levels of difficulty from beginner to expert. Also, you can find a lot of stuff on the wiki.

Thank you, i see some similarity with Pascal and that for me is a plus.



Bem vindo Nelson vejo que es portugues, assim já somos 2 por aqui :)


Quote from: FreeYourMind on October 14, 2012, 09:45:18 PM
Bem vindo Nelson vejo que es portugues, assim já somos 2 por aqui :)

FreeYourMind eu tamen sei falar portugues, somos 3 XD


tamen ?! Isso é Alentejano xD


Bennu is indeed a bit Pascal like, but it also has a lot in common with C. It's like C with Pascal keywords and without the case-sensitivity of C.
Also the SWITCH/CASE is more Pascal like. But be aware that a lot of stuff is closer to C then to Pascal. But, it also has some unique features of it's own that are quite special and powerfull like processes.


Quote from: FreeYourMind on October 14, 2012, 09:45:18 PM
Bem vindo Nelson vejo que es portugues, assim já somos 2 por aqui :)

Bom dia, Obrigado, ainda bem que também és Português, vejo que dominas o BennuGd, achas que me podes dar uma ajudinha?



Sim claro, todas as duvidas que tenhas coloca aqui no forum, se for em español ou ingles melhor (usa o google translator), que assim terás mais gente que te possa ajudar.


Quote from: FreeYourMind on October 15, 2012, 10:14:06 AM
Sim claro, todas as duvidas que tenhas coloca aqui no forum, se for em español ou ingles melhor (usa o google translator), que assim terás mais gente que te possa ajudar.
Will do, the english is not a problem, any advice to start?

Thank you all for the welcome.