Ports Bennu....

Started by SplinterGU, February 02, 2009, 03:08:50 PM

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A Dingoo port was made some time ago, but only with Linux:
-- Sandman


hi ¡
I had no idea of this port.
Thank you very much for the link.


Actually this port works fine ? What version rc it is ?


WHAT?! Dingo gots a Bennu port and not gp2x?
Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


I dunno what version it is, but it's certainly not the latest. There seems to be some SDL problem or something, I'm not sure about the details... maybe something with uclibc and glibc. Well, you could try, but I'm not sure it works...

The GP2X port should probably be based on the GP2X Wiz port, using stuff like the touch screen. I only have access to an F100 version, though. And of course there's still the alignment issue that needs to be addressed.
-- Sandman


I have the F100 & F200, if any need test something :)
I need to test this port for Dingoo, to see if really works :)


hahaha, Sandman ¿how far are your nearest electronic shop? ;D
Nah, don't worry, i'm not in a hurry, but i need this port to make WIZ games :P
And, as i said before, i have a copy of all my files for make my ugly-port ;)

Oh, wait, i must update it!!!
Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


¿Como van los ports de Xbox360 y PSP?
¿La PSP Vita se porta igual?


he arruinado mi xbox360... :( (por eso estoy medio desaparecido, intentando repararla sin exito)

Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


El de la PSP desde la desaparicion de DCelso no tiene avances .. funciona las cosas mas basicas. xD

Rein (K´)ah Al-Ghul

Quote from: KeoH on December 27, 2011, 01:44:57 AM
El de la PSP desde la desaparicion de DCelso no tiene avances .. funciona las cosas mas basicas. xD
Lo habra secuestrado sony??

Rein (K´)ah Al-Ghul
Infected with the Krieger strain of the Human-MetaHuman Vampiric Virus.

en vez de darme Karma positivo, denme (K´)arma negativ


Ha vuelto a los brazos de su novia la que le ha prohibido seguir picando codigo.