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Mode 8

Started by Breadcaster, August 07, 2017, 07:25:05 PM

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Hi all

just wanted to have a quick ask if Mode 8 is present in Bennu at all - if not natively then via a DLL or extension of some kind. Most of my systems cant handle proper 3D (some unity programs simply wont run at all) so raycasting is ideal for me! If not then no biggie, just wanted to check. :)

- BC


Bennugd Support any 3D engines

Cartagena3D (Vulkan/Opengl/dx12/webgl)
(Comming soon - August 2017)

Bennu3d (Opengl1-2/Dx8-9)

Yeti3D (Software Rasterizer)


Thank you, but sadly those wont work on my laptop - there isnt much documentation on Yeti3D and trying to run any of the example minigames at a higher resolution (640*480, 800*600) simply crashes, and with M8EE my laptop doesnt seem to be capable of doing anything but rendering cubes and spheres - it cant load the MD2 models. Like I said, it simply wont run many Unity3D games, it's not really a gaming laptop.

Specifically, I was looking to see if there was any compatibility with Mode 8 because I know that's a raycasting style engine (like Doom, Wolfenstien, etc). I know my laptop can handle that :)


yeti3d include tools to convert texture and models

for high resolutions change, yeti3d not support more 320x240
==================== change this code.....


  set_mode (YETI_SCREEN_WIDTH,YETI_SCREEN_HEIGHT,16);         
by this :



  full_screen = true;
  set_mode (320,240,16,MODE_2XSCALE);         
  graph= new_map(320,240,16);
// =============

talking other engine, Bennu3d Supports low ends PC

models free to bennu3d

please try to low pc this function:


or that if not work


use google translate  to use this manual...

And search in forum for more resources too..


Hmm, thanks l1nk3rn3l. I tried both of those modes and on my virtual machine (VirtualBox running windows XP, on my macbook), BURNINGSVIDEO mode worked okay, although it didnt load any textures.

I've now managed to get the regular OpenGL version displaying models on my Macbook (outside the virtual machine), although for some reason it wont load any of the GUI text. Also, my laptop wont work with any kind of image formats aside from .jpg! .tga and .pcx wont load.

Can you use regular write() and writeint() to display things on screen when using M8EE?

Also, are there any tutorials on making basic games/projects with M8EE? it'd be a great help :)

btw - gave you a karma point for your post, much thanks ;)


(outside the virtual machine)

1.Use wmware is excelent virtual machine search in google..
2. use crossover
3. other option ... use a live cd from linux, create a persistent live cd in usb ... then use wine from linux to run bennu..
4. create a windows live usb

4. other alternatives for mac ...

Can you use regular write() and writeint() to display things on screen when using M8EE?

nop, bennugd use sdl 2d video, m8ee use Dx or Opengl video.. not work the same time...
then use m8ee propietary text functions see manual...

Also, are there any tutorials on making basic games/projects with M8EE?

M8ee website  very out update...

old downloads from m8ee

nice memories


hmmm, okay. Thanks for the advise so far!!

So Ive had a few weeks trying to get M8EE working in some ways, including virtual machines and wine, but sadly my Macbook wont render .bsp files so I don't think it's going to happen.

However, I've had some positive results with Yeti3D - I think it's because it uses software rendering, which my virtual machine is able to do :) Often virtual machines don't have access to hardware acceleration, which would explain the issues with M8EE. I also like that with Yeti3D I'm able to use regular write/write_int commands that I'm familiar with.

I'd like to ask a few more questions, if that'd be okay? :)


1) So, the highest resolution is 320*240 scaled up to 640*480 using the MODE_2XSCALE. However, on the Google code archive for Yeti3d (, there is something called "yeti3d 700x500 resolution example".

What is this?
What kind of system has a 700*500 resolution?!

If there's a way to make Yeti3D a bit higher resolution, I'd love to try it. ;D

2) I see that Yeti3D comes with a level editor, however I find it really difficult to use. Is it possible to load any other forms of level into Yeti3D? like levels youd use with Quake 1 or Quake 2 perhaps?

3) Thirdly, I can't seem to figure out how to make collisions between entitys, haha. I can see that in the mariokart example game there are collisions between marios kart and the trucks, as they move when hit. Not sure how to do this?

A few questions about Cartagena3D

1) I'm interested in this project, but Im a little worried about if I'll be able to get it to run on my Virtual machine. Will there be a software rendering mode?

I realise this will make higher poly counts very slow but I intend to make a low poly 3D game, so it should be fine.

2) Will this be able to load in .bsps or other kinds of level? I think a proper level editor would save a lot of headaches.

Thanks so much for your continued support!!!  :D :D :D



1) What kind of system has a 700*500 resolution?!, If there's a way to make Yeti3D a bit higher resolution, I'd love to try it. ;D ?

yETI3d support all resolutions, but...  internally yety3d.dll uses 320x240 to bennu, updating bennugd yeti3d source code
support 1024x768 and more, then why  320x240? for mobile and console purposes... (more fast render )

2) I see that Yeti3D comes with a level editor, however I find it really difficult to use. Is it possible to load any other forms of level into Yeti3D? like levels youd use with Quake 1 or Quake 2 perhaps?

editor is very easy to use, similar to doom editor...
editor includes a readme.txt and leame.txt  with instructions...
quake1 and 2 uses a binary space partitioning (BSP) very complex  as bennu3d, and bennu3d support bsp maps,
yeti3d uses a primitive and fast integer math similar to doom1/2 engine..(not float as BSP)

3) Thirdly, I can't seem to figure out how to make collisions between entitys, haha. I can see that in the mariokart example game there are collisions between marios kart and the trucks, as they move when hit. Not sure how to do this?

examples includes a entity -> entity collision .. please see lara croft example in "mini examples"  open gate example...
and exists other examples


1) I'm interested in this project, but Im a little worried about if I'll be able to get it to run on my Virtual machine. Will there be a software rendering mode?

nop, soon html5 will be supported (very fast in all platforms) ..

2) Will this be able to load in .bsps or other kinds of level? I think a proper level editor would save a lot of headaches.

bennu3d supports bsp maps... , cartagena3d too..

Other Alternatives to Bennugd (All platforms) is DivGo Include 3d examples...


1) I see. Was just interested, it'd be nice to have it in a larger resolution.

2) Thanks for pointing out the Yeti3D editors readme.txt, I didn't see it before!

3) When I said collisions, I meant to stop the entity moving on collision. I tried using the method I know of, by saving the entity.x and entity.y to a pair of variables and then resetting to them on collision (entity.x=oldx; entity.y=oldy; ) but had no luck.

Also i've just tried Cartagena3D with both VirtualBox and Wine - it crashes with either of them (on Virtualbox it says it cant find a dll or something), so I don't think I'll be able to use that on this laptop, sadly. :( I'll have to find a language with a software rendered 3D mode or stick with Yeti3D.

Does DivGO have an english community perchance? :) It does look like its only HTML5, but Im not really interested in developing for web...

Thanks for your support <3


1) I see. Was just interested, it'd be nice to have it in a larger resolution.

yeti3d will be updated soon ... with new resolutions..

2) Thanks for pointing out the Yeti3D editors readme.txt, I didn't see it before!

yeti3d editor is more easy that mode8 original editor...

3) When I said collisions, I meant to stop the entity moving on collision. I tried using the method I know of, by saving the entity.x and entity.y to a pair of variables and then resetting to them on collision (entity.x=oldx; entity.y=oldy; ) but had no luck.

the file include a lot  examples "YETI3D R26 11 2012 A.rar"
directory "\src\bin\Release"

Also i've just tried Cartagena3D with both VirtualBox and Wine - it crashes with either of them

BeOgre and Cartagena3D haves win8/10, DX11/Dx12 and VCruntime dependencies... i remove this dependencies and upload a new alpha ...
more win7/xp / Wine / Directx9   friendly  or upload a html5 cartagena3d demos...

Does DivGO have an english community perchance? :) It does look like its only HTML5, but Im not really interested in developing for web...

web is more win/MAC/Linux/mobile  friendly...  ;D

english DIVgo forum

spanish DivGo forum (Use chrome translate option)


Hooray!! In that case perhaps I'll be able to use Cartagena3D after all - either that or Yeti3D once youve updated it with higher resolutions :) sending more karma your way!! Thanks for the advise <3