porting to XBox

Started by pdiddles03, May 24, 2011, 02:23:13 AM

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I forget to uncomment some imports...


ok... thanks... great work!
Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


Some gamepad info for those wishing to port Bennu games to the Xbox (currently porting Matterrun). I wrote a short program that told me what each button corresponded to:

Use joy_getbutton to map your controls.

0,0- A button
0,1- B button
0,2- X button
0,3- Y button
0,4- Black button
0,5- White button
0,6- L Trigger
0,7- R Trigger
0,8- Start
0,9- Back

I'll assume 1,0.. 1,1.. etc. correspond to the second controller.

There might be more, but I only mapped out those nine buttons. If you have a way to quit your program using ESC, the right stick hat will exit the program and boot back to your Xbox launcher.