Bennu Game Development

English Forums => General => Topic started by: DCelso on August 20, 2008, 07:12:42 AM

Title: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: DCelso on August 20, 2008, 07:12:42 AM
Hello to all.
Anybody have can use this dll in bennu wip 2?
In afirmative case. How?
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: l1nk3rn3l on September 22, 2008, 06:58:21 PM
yes, download bennu version from:

Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Sandman on September 30, 2008, 11:14:16 AM
Network.dll for Bennu (
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: blostec on September 30, 2008, 02:08:51 PM
Great news Sandman, thanks for your work!
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Sandman on November 18, 2009, 03:24:47 PM
And a new version for the current Bennu line. Don't know if anyone still uses this library, but it was an easy fix anyway.

* 1.56 Win32 binaries, source and documentation (

18-11-09: v1.56:
   Fixed functions export bug

Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: osk on November 18, 2009, 03:51:10 PM
Can you tell us what improvements or extra functionalities this library has in front of Fsock, for example?
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Ariel Yust on November 18, 2009, 04:04:04 PM
THis dll works great with Bennu unlike in Fenix me and Ecko had many problems in the Dune project =P

shame there is no way to use UDP with that dll :(
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Sandman on November 18, 2009, 04:39:31 PM
Fsock is not easy for beginners. This dll is not as fast, but is easier in use. Some of the features that make it easier:
    * One command setup, another one for listening for connections (server) or one for opening a connection (client).
    * Sending and receiving of variables of all datatypes, graphics, files, whatever you want.
    * Download/upload meter, for measuring of speeds and totals.
    * Automatic message separation (separation string specifiable).

If you know how fsock works, stick with it, because it's faster and supports more than just TCP. But if you are not comfortable with sockets, this dll is nice. See the IRC chat tutorial ( for an example of how to create an IRC client with this dll.
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: FreeYourMind on November 18, 2009, 06:36:16 PM
Fantastico, niet wetende dat zoiets bestond voor Fenix en Bennu :)
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on November 18, 2009, 09:11:14 PM

Ok, I was trying with fsock last week and building a client-server with 2 clients handling 2D processes... I couldn't find a good protocol, the server blocked all time... I will try with networking, thanks.
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: SplinterGU on November 19, 2009, 02:55:27 AM
thanks sandman... where are yours fuckins karma??!!! you need visit more bennugd... ;)
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on November 23, 2009, 09:16:04 AM
Hi Sandman, im cheking the NETv1.54a tester and have some doubts...

It runs using the Fenix interpreter: It is just for Fenix or it must work with Bennu too?

Im trying to compilate the test using Bennu dlls, but i have the first error on:

   INCLUDE "Fenix.fh";

The file Fenix.fh doesnt exist on the test folder... And the following line is:

   INCLUDE "";

And other .inc files doesnt exist...

I almost understand the rest of the code, but I want to know if it is/will be possible to build a program in Bennu by the beggining using your library. It looks great ;)

EDIT: Yeah, I could compile and run the example on the wiki, anyway if you can answer any of my questions it would be great, the wiki example is not as good as that "Fenix" sample :P

EDIT 2: I'm not a lucky man... I am trying to build a Bennu program from the beggining with network library, my first error comes when using net_init:

init_status = net_init ( 0 , 10 , 1 );
        IF ( init_status == NET_ERROR_ALREADYINIT )
exit ( "Error, libnetwork already initialized" );
exit ( "Error, libnetwork general initialization error" );
exit ( "Error, too few connections on libnetwork initialization" );
exit ( "Error, too many listeners specified on libnetwork initialization" );
ELSEIF ( init_status == NET_ERROR_NONE )
say ( "libnetwork initialized correctly" );
exit ( "Unknown error on libnetwork initialization" );

I check all possible errors, but I always take a non specified value and get a "Unknown error on libnetwork initialization".

Im using libnetwork.dll v1.56 d18-m11-y2009 :'(
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Sandman on November 23, 2009, 12:25:37 PM
Sorry, I can't find the complete code of that tester anymore. It included lots of other includes I used often. It can only run on the Fenix interpreter, it's a standalone program. Type "NET HELP" to get some help.

I highly recommend the IRC Chat tutorial. It's complete and works. It doesn't show all of the functionality, but it does show the basics. Try it out and we'll chat some. ;-)

Can your variable init_status take negative values? If not, then that's the problem. I think the DLL says the function returns a dword, but that should be an int.
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on November 23, 2009, 12:36:09 PM
init_status is an int, im goig to try it with dword, but I think it will be the same

The IRC example is too complex for begineers, I just want 2 players (squares) to move on screen from remote location, that's all, but with a net_init error it goes bad :-\

Thanks, I keep trying.
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Sandman on November 23, 2009, 12:37:24 PM
Can you send me the code? Your email address is for MSN too?

net_init returns a wrong value, don't know yet why. However, it does initialize libnetwork correctly. Turn on debugging by enabling NET.consolereports (
NET.consolereports = 1;

You can continue as if it goes ok... looking at it now.

Found it. That value is the processID of the network process that gets executed at initialization. It's not a real error, because every error is negative and positive values are allowed. Well that's the way I made the DLL. But I think it differs from the documentation, so I will fix it. Thanks!
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on November 23, 2009, 12:49:59 PM
Hi Sandman,
I have chequed it, and net_init returns 65538 always, even if network switch is off :P

Ok, i will try it, check your forum mail box, I send you my instant message contact

Thanks for the consolereports tip and karma++
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Sandman on November 23, 2009, 01:15:33 PM
Woops, didn't see your post, was on second page, hehe. Well error found anyway and documentation fixed.

Let me know how it's going.  :)
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on November 23, 2009, 01:29:41 PM
Hi Sandman, bad news :S

I'm trying to write a VERY VERY VERY simple client server program. Server just send "HOLA" to client on local host at every FRAME and client just listen and say what it receives from the server.

Server run first and always say connection 0 invalid, and client shows an empty string...

Here the full code, it is very simple:

QuoteIMPORT "mod_key";
IMPORT "mod_grproc";
IMPORT "mod_string";
IMPORT "mod_text";
IMPORT "mod_say";


   _SERVER_IP = "";
   _SERVER_PORT = 6112;


PROCESS main ( )

   NET.ConsoleReports = TRUE;
   init_status = net_init ( 0 , 10 , 1 );   // It always returns 65538, can't check errors by now

    menu ( );
    UNTIL ( key ( _ESC ) );

    // Disconnect and quit.
    net_quit ( );
    let_me_alone ( );


FUNCTION menu ( )
   write ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , "Key 1 for server" );
   write ( 0 , 0 , 10 , 0 , "Key 2 for client" );
      IF ( key ( _1 ) ) server ( ); BREAK; END
      IF ( key ( _2 ) ) client ( ); BREAK; END

PROCESS server ( )
   int connection = 0;
   connection = net_listen ( _SERVER_PORT , TRUE );
      net_message ( connection , "HOLA" );

PROCESS client ( )
   int connection;
   string message;
   connection = net_connect ( _SERVER_IP , _SERVER_PORT , TRUE );
      message = net_getmessage ( connection );
      say ( message );
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Sandman on November 23, 2009, 02:02:59 PM
Correct. You are trying to send a message to a listening port, but this is not a valid connection. When the client connects to the server, the server will create a new connection for that client.

So what you need to do in the server:
- open listening port (like you do)
- wait for client and a NEW connection
- send messages to client

I'm unsure about how the waiting part is best done. Hm I didn't make this part easy enough. What you can do is:

PROCESS server ( )
   int connection = 0;
   connection = net_listen ( _SERVER_PORT , TRUE );
            // code when the connection is just established
            say("# Connected!");

      net_message ( 1 , "HOLA" );

But this is an incredibly ugly hack. I didn't think about this enough. I will make it better.
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Sandman on November 23, 2009, 03:46:42 PM
I added two new functions:
* NET_Incoming_Accept (
* NET_Accept (

In your program you can use them like this:

IMPORT "mod_key";
IMPORT "mod_grproc";
IMPORT "mod_string";
IMPORT "mod_text";
IMPORT "mod_say";


  _SERVER_IP = "localhost";
  _SERVER_PORT = 6112;


PROCESS main ( )

  NET.ConsoleReports = TRUE;
  init_status = net_init ( 0 , 10 , 1 );   // It always returns 65538, can't check errors by now

   menu ( );
   UNTIL ( key ( _ESC ) );

   // Disconnect and quit.
   net_quit ( );
   let_me_alone ( );


FUNCTION menu ( )
  write ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , "Key 1 for server" );
  write ( 0 , 0 , 10 , 0 , "Key 2 for client" );
     IF ( key ( _1 ) ) server ( ); BREAK; END
     IF ( key ( _2 ) ) client ( ); BREAK; END

PROCESS server ( )
  int listen_connection = -1;
  int connection = -1;
listen_connection = net_listen ( _SERVER_PORT , TRUE );

/* Method 1*/
// Loop
// say(NET.Incoming[listen_connection]);
//    switch(NET.Incoming[listen_connection])
//            // code when the connection is just established
//            say("# Connected!");
//            connection = net_incoming_accept(listen_connection);
//            break;
//        end
//    end
//    frame;
// End

/* Method 2*/
connection = net_accept(listen_connection);

// etc

net_message ( connection , "HOLA" );

PROCESS client ( )
  int connection;
  string message;
  connection = net_connect ( _SERVER_IP , _SERVER_PORT , TRUE );
     message = net_getmessage ( connection );
     say ( message );

It took some effort to remain backwards compatible, but at least in this example it works properly. Hope this of more use to you.
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on November 23, 2009, 07:32:09 PM
I'll check it in a while, thanks an other karma up xD
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on December 02, 2009, 01:43:32 PM
Well, "little" bad news...

I have tried your new functions now, but I have an error:

Undefined procedure: NET_ACCEPT

I suposse that function is added on the new version, but I have downloaded from the Wiki the libnetwork.dll v1.57 Win32 for Bennu and its the same version of the dll I had... Where can I find the new version you made? I have taken a look on boolean soup and can't find it... :'(

Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on December 02, 2009, 08:38:49 PM
Here is a very first functional version of simple communication client/server:'

Next step: Two remote clients moving on screen...
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on December 03, 2009, 11:43:14 AM
Well, here is a very stupid version of a 2 players game, the server is a player and the client is the other player, and it is possible to move players using keys. You can change the IP at /prg/const.prg, the current IP is my own IP :P


PD: On remote connection remember that you must open 6112 port, or change it at /prg/const.prg
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on December 03, 2009, 01:12:40 PM
I tried to build the network.dll using CodeBlocks, Sandman helps me a fucking lot with this, I had to download all Bennu source and some SDL files... Im not used to do this weird things, so I have make a CodeBlocks projects with ALL, ready to build and go.

Anyone wants to try it?


Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Sandman on December 03, 2009, 02:15:07 PM
Now a Linux version available at the great wiki (

Your project works here, but that could also be because I've got a global setup. But, the dependencies are there (except libbgdrtm).
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Drumpi on December 03, 2009, 02:59:00 PM
Quote from: Windgate on December 03, 2009, 01:12:40 PM
I tried to build the network.dll using CodeBlocks, Sandman helps me a fucking lot with this, I had to download all Bennu source and some SDL files... Im not used to do this weird things, so I have make a CodeBlocks projects with ALL, ready to build and go.

Anyone wants to try it?



Hey, i will take a look to this. It's very interesting and i will need it (but now i'm REALLY busy to test, sorry).
Jusk karma up to both of you.
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on December 03, 2009, 08:42:47 PM
Sandman, I have take off the global setup :P

My next step: Compile any dlls of Bennu

But I want to make playable my network test first, maybe in 3D xD
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on December 04, 2009, 07:33:36 PM
Bad news, I'm working on a protocol which can allow the server to accept many connected clients.

The protocol is not functional yet, but I have a first error when I listen again to accept a new client when the first one is connected:

int connections [ _MAX_CLIENTS ];
int connected_clients = 0;

PROCESS accept ( )
int listen_connection [ _MAX_CLIENTS ];
write ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , "Connected clients: " );
write_var ( 0 , 120 , 0 , 0 , connected_clients );
listen_connection [ connected_clients ] = net_listen ( _SERVER_PORT , TRUE );
connections [ connected_clients ] = net_accept ( listen_connection [ connected_clients ] );

I get an error on the server program when the first client connects and the accept() process tries to listen again:

"Error, could not listen on connection"

S.O.S dear Mr. Sandman :(
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Sandman on December 04, 2009, 08:28:27 PM
You only tell the dll once that you want to listen on a port, not multiple times. It will allow multiple clients to connect. If you want to stop listening, use net_disconnect() on the listening connection. So just move that line outside of the loop and you're done.

EDIT: codes
int connections [ _MAX_CLIENTS ];
int connected_clients = 0;

PROCESS accept ( )
int listen_connection;
write ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , "Connected clients: " );
write_var ( 0 , 120 , 0 , 0 , connected_clients );
listen_connection = net_listen ( _SERVER_PORT , TRUE );
connections [ connected_clients ] = net_accept ( listen_connection );
net_disconnect( listen_connection ); // NOTE: this will NOT disconnect all the clients...
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on December 04, 2009, 09:57:46 PM
Thats good Sandman, I don't have that error now... But I have a new problem.

The new clients keep only making Outgoing conections, but the program is made to have both, in and out, server communicates with all clients.

It is rare, I am tired to keep programming now, here is the link of the current version, /prg/multi_server.prg has the new server code, is a very simple protocol.


Note that i DONT want to have a multiplayer game, I am only trying to have communication with many clients, the protocol is not ready to have many clients working moving on the screen, only is ready to communicate with them.

I an working on a local machine with many clients using the same port, could ir be the reason for the current problem?

Thanks a lot again and again Sandman :P
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Sandman on December 05, 2009, 01:46:08 AM
Linux version soon, or on request.

I'm not happy with this DLL. I tried to mimic the frame behaviour of Bennu, but that just plainly sucks if you ask me. I'll be making a new one in the future, one with events, UDP and some nice tricks I have in mind.
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Windgate on December 05, 2009, 12:12:45 PM
I like the simplicity of this dll, it has some "weird" things but is really better than the sockets one.

Trying your fix, thanks, but, which are the changes?
Title: Re: networking dll of sandman for bennu
Post by: Phoenix on January 26, 2010, 12:42:31 PM
Ok! Lets see...

Im testing out this network dll. Seems really more easy to use for a non-pro socket users.

Right now, Im programming the classic "Pong" arcade for play online, but seems Im not doing it properly. Im using a server between 2 clients to be able to communicate them, I mean, both clients get online on the server and the server give them the signal to start the game. Each movement from clients is sending to the server and the server sends the info back to the clients.

The movements from clients works really properly and syncronized, at least I think so. The problem comes out when I try add a new process called "ball". I dunno how really can syncronize it on both clients. I tried sending diferent kinds of messages to the server but not working at all.

Working good now, but the ball got de-syncronized sometimes...

Sandman, I would be really pleased If you can check it out. Im sure you will find more ideas to do that the ball works properly!  ::)



Last version : (