Bennu Game Development

English Forums => General => Topic started by: josebita on January 04, 2011, 10:58:40 PM

Title: Best of 2010
Post by: josebita on January 04, 2011, 10:58:40 PM
I thought it might be nice to set up a small competition. The idea is simple: we want to choose the best three BennuGD games released in 2010.
That's why I thought of creating a friendly competition. If you think your game should be on the top three, please post a small description about it (platform it was designed for, idea behind the game...) here with some screenshots and if possible a video of the gameplay, we'll choose the top few ones and amongst them you'll be able to vote for your favorites.

Please post one topic per game/person so we can keep things tidy.
If you know of some game that is not yours but you believe should be on the list, get in touch with the author and try to convince him/her to post. If they don't want to, you might just as well post an entry for their game, but please state that you're not the original author.

Again, this just tries to be a friendly competition with no real prize so I wouldn't like to set any set of rules, just try to play nice. Who knows, we might be able to create some demoreel for Bennu or something :)

I believe we can accept entries for this up to the 20th January or so, then I'll lock this topic and set up some kind of voting system.
Title: Re: Best of 2010
Post by: Imerion on January 22, 2011, 05:52:04 PM
This sounds fun, so I might as well post one of my games :

Before we were Dead

"Before we were Dead" began as a side-project to one of our dream projects called "Limb of Eternity" but soon grew into a complete game in its own right.
Designed for PC. There is also a GP2X WIZ version, but it has many things cut out and still doesn't run very well, so please try the PC version if you can. In the future there might be a Caanoo port as well. With that extra memory it should run much better.

Before we were Dead is a relatively simple roleplaying-game with elements of aquatic platforming, but its real strenghts lie in its richly developed world and atmosphere.

Take your time and explore, don't skip the text and just float with the waves.
Much of the lore in this game will have impact on our later works.

As a young Fishling the time has come for you 
to travel to Spipreef and begin your journey to adulthood. 
The Sea, however, is a dark and mysterious place and more terrors
than Badfish lurk in the deep waters around Spipreef. 


I don't have a video though. Couldn't manage to capture one with sound for some reason and I haven't looked into it much. But please try it and tell us what you think. :)
Looking forward to seeing other games here too!
Title: Re: Best of 2010
Post by: josebita on January 22, 2011, 07:35:27 PM
Thanks a lot, Imerion. I'm pretty busy right now, but will try to create a Demoreel with all the games submitted (here and in the Spanish part of the forum) once I finish my exams.

BTW, I assume the latest version of the game is the one in your blog, right?
Title: Re: Best of 2010
Post by: Imerion on January 23, 2011, 12:15:45 AM
No hurry. Perhaps if you wait a while there will be more submissions. :)

Oh, I forgot the download link. But it is indeed the one on my blog :