Hi everybody,
This is my first competition, and also my first game. So I don't know how far will I get.
Anyway, being my first game-made it will be a tribute to my first game-played. Survival from Scientific Horizons in a 48k Spectrum (by 1985 I think).
Even if you are old enough to know what do I talk about, the game was'nt very known. You can use this little wikipedia help:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S ... rizons_Survival
My project will be based in how awesome I remember the game, and not in how it looks like actually. I will add some point from a project on ecology I made while I was in the university.
At last, I want to dedicated this project to my father - who bought that computer -, and my son - expecting he to discover the wonder of computing beyond just playing, although he did not even play yet, he is two years old. Also to my wife, as she introduced me in ecology.