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Started by handsource-dyko, December 31, 2010, 01:15:40 PM

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I've noticed that there's a discussion on the spanish forum about gui library's. I rememeber gui.dll from fenix, wich was used for fenix 0.84's fpg manager/drawing tool. I've used it in the past with some mixed results, I was kinda nice but a bit unstable.

Maybe this sdl based library is an interresting option for a offical bennu gui library. It seems to be a very comprehensive an portable library, similair to sdl widgets, but more sophisticated. A offical bennu gui module would be very benificitial, because it would allow bennu to be suitable for creating graphics applications, not to mention a DIV-like IDE, or things like level editors.

I can't judge how hard or easy it is to create a wrapper library around agar, but it would simply be fantastic to have something like this.


I have to resort to google to answer, because reading read English, but writing, bad.

Thank you very much for the idea. To see who is brave the start.



Tengo que recurrir al google para responderte, porque leer leo ingles, pero escribir, mal.

Muchas gracias por la idea. A ver quien es el valiente que la pone en marcha.

Si quieres ser sabio, aprende a interrogar razonablemente, a escuchar con atención, a responder serenamente y a callar cuando no tengas nada que decir.


Too my delight I've noticed that there is some renewed interest for gui's: .
I'd love to see a true gui module, dykodialogs was mainly made for the malvado editor, as a temporary solution. Anyway I think agar or the old fenix gui.dll could be good starting points. ;)



Looks very interesting, what dykodialogs lacks is menu's and toolbars (difficult to implement because of it's design with files).
When I made dykodialogs I simply looked at Lazarus' dialogs tab and created seperate programs for allmost each of them. It's that I don't have any knowledge of C and dll programming, but then it could have more features and a tighther integration with bennu. So, I think miniGUI is a good choice for overall gui's, but I think we should have some standard dialogs as a feature.


In fact I open the post of module sugestions because in my job now i'm start working with minigui xD
But is a big library, an Bennu adaptation require much time.

I need to see your lib this weekend, it looks amazing! thanks for that lib.


Thanks! :) It gives mapedit wings. I'm still working on malvado, mainly tweaking and optimizing it's features, and creating a html based help system for it. I hope to release it in few weeks.


About your malvado version, an idea is in my mind some time ago:

I have a version of dr. malvado called Geca Adventure, but is an discontinued project.
My game have exclusive levels created by me and my own FX voices xD, in total with malvado levels it have 7 compete levels. In have a intro, ending, etc...

Can you use dropbox and test my game ?

Because you still working on malvado, the idea of mixing my levels with your game are in my mind some time ago...


Well, that's a bit difficult. Technically I'm have made quite a few changes in the design. I don't know if you changed the names of the entities.
The engine is very dependant on a data structure and integrating new entities is not so straight foreward anymore as in the orginal game.

Also, the levelbackgrounds can now be created with scenemapedit, to take div out of the loop. In the future, I want to transform the design in a more generic object oriented platform engine. Right know I'm trying to preserve the orginal design intend of malvado. Basically I only wanted to extend it and make it editable. When I'm revising features in the engine, I have to keep track of quite a few source files and change them in a certain order, because of the lev files' data structure. The lev files are extracted to source, data structure changed, datextract
(tool that extracts lev files to a compilable source) changed, then engine, mapedit, preview etc have to be changed and tested. So it's quite complicated and sometimes I simply forget to check certain things. Also I want to make it more memory efficient, and I'm not working on it all the time.

The design has become so complicated, that even I get lost in it. ;)


My mod is on DIV original prg, and it's a plus of levels on original DIV code. The dificult is the same you have in original port to Fenix from DIV code, and after the adaptation to your new src estructure.


I see that miniGUI is very compact. That makes it really usefull for bennu, especially on consoles. It looks like it's themeable.