Default forum theme changed

Started by josebita, February 01, 2012, 09:42:47 AM

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I've switched everyone's theme to "Bennu Sand" by Gecko. There still a few rough corners with the theme but we should fix those soon.

Also, Izubiaurre sent us a very nice theme but I had some problems with the installation, so it should be available later.
If you'd like to keep using the old theme, you might revert back to it in your forum profile configuration page.

I'd like to thanks both Izubiaurre and Gecko for their help :)




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You should be able to change your profile's language in the forum "Profile" page. Sorry if I changed your lang, I didn't intend to.
If enyboady else has had their language changed, please let me knoe and I'll switch it back to English.


I already change it, when I said "done!"
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