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Started by gecko, December 02, 2009, 04:26:04 PM

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Hi everyone!

The game we're making (me and my brother) is a Action-Platform (something like Metal Slug) in a Close Future World where an extrange secret experiment failure made the majority of the humanity to Zombies!

In the version we're making for this contest it will only be possible to fight against zombies (mainly because Time Issues), but the original idea of the full game also includes another Human factions to fight against, and a more complex plot.

At this moment we're working on the main character...

more news to come...
Torres Baldi Studio


Nice graphics already, hope to see her in action.
-- Sandman


Wow, graphics competiton it's harder every day. Good work!!!
Another game to beat ;D
Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


Good sprites, I envy you, I'm fucking bad drawing and I can find nice sprites for my project... Are you using Chara Maker Pro too??? Anyone knows where can I find the "direct download"? Private please :-*
Iván García Subero. Programador, profesor de informática, monitor de actividades culturales y presidente de TRINIT Asociación de Informáticos de Zaragoza.


We're making the graphics using Adobe Flash and then exporting them to PNG...

I've found this site on googe, but i don't know if its what you're looking for...
Torres Baldi Studio



Proud author of
El Juego de Rol Flynn
Samarkanda RPG
(more info at


The project is growing in a slow but constant way.

The main charactes moves in a very smooth way over the surface of the level.

We've got a primitive enemy also walking on the level. (No IA, just walks.)

All the sprites and graphs for the main character are done, and it's a great achievment.

And this is a sample of an enemy:

TO-DOs at this time:

- The IA of the enemies i think would be the hardest part. I don't want the smartest enemys ever, but a decent one who can atack you and also defend itself would be good enough.

- The design of levels and scenarios it's another time-consuming pending task.

- The implementation of the different weapons of the game. Depending on the amount of time we have to spend...

- And the last thing would be the design of the menu and intro screens.
Torres Baldi Studio


Wow, gecko, awesome graphics...
But there is a LOT of things to do in two weeks. I hope you can finish it in time limit.

Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


Sure, you better hurry up and get a demo of the game running!