HELP with BENNU e ConText

Started by equinox, February 25, 2010, 04:16:46 PM

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Yes, this is WIZ version.
So, first, you must unzip on your SD, maybe you want to do it on Game folder.
Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


I tried to compile with Bennu for Win and it works ... but I can not create a test.exe. How do I?


You can't. You can generate a .DCB file. Then, you can run it with GBDI.exe (for windows) or BGDI (for other platforms).
But, BGDI must be for the target platform, in this case, the BGDI WIZ version you had downloaded before.

Just type "BGDI yourgame.dcb", or make a .GPE file with this command (and those who launch WIZ menu later). As I said before (a lot of times), see .GPE examples in WIZ pakage.
Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


Thanks for the explanation. I was very helpful.

1# With an IDE cè the opportunity 'to create an exe?

2# I would first program for the GP2X but I do not know where to find Bennu for GP2X.

Here  only for the WIZ...but i dont see GP2...

>>As I said before (a lot of times), see .GPE examples in WIZ pakage.

Yes, i see the example. but I have trouble understanding these examples :o(

In bgd-1.0.0RC11(r131)-openwiz-->bgd-runtime i found BGDI, not BGDI.exe.  

I writing BDGI. TEST.dcb....GPE is not created .



No, an IDE don't create any exe, because EXE only works on Windows. An iDE can generate the DCB using a button on it (an highlight with colours the languaje reserved words, and more), and optionaly can run your game to test it, but basically they use BGDC.exe and BGDI.exe at the same as you with command window.

The GP2X port of Bennu is not an official release, it's just a try by someone ;D
you can find it on
But it only works on Open2X firmware. We are waiting for an update who can solve this trouble.

GP2X and WIZ uses a Linux OS, so exes don't exists as you know. In this case, BGDI and BGDC don't have any extension, so you must write:
to get a DCB, and
BDGI TEST.dcb to run it (if there aren't errors).

The .GPE must be written by you, using a text editor with Unix format (any of Linux distributions, or notepad++ for windows).

You must write this:


export PATH

echo 2 > /proc/cpu/alignment

bgdc test.prg
bgdi test.dcb

cd /usr/gp2x
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

But if you wanna see the logs and errors must write:


export PATH

echo 2 > /proc/cpu/alignment

bgdc test.prg >log1.txt 2>err1.txt
bgdi test.dcb >log2.txt 2>err2.txt

cd /usr/gp2x
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

Be carefull: BGDC is not the same as bgdc, uppercase letters are distinct from lowercase letters.
Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


>But it only works on Open2X firmware. We are waiting for an update who can solve this trouble.

Yes, in fact pac for gp2x does not work. Back to the menu 'and exit.

>don't have any extension, so you must write:
to get a DCB, and

I am in: fw75.bennugp2x-->bgd-runtime.

Do: Start-> Run then write BDGC TEST.prg but open the window asking me what program to open BDGC ...


you need to add to your path the directory where you have the bgdc binary.
Some like this


Or may be that in your bgd-runtime directory don't have "bgdc" program, because is not a mandatory program to run games in gp2x.
Monstruos Diabólicos

"A PAck of classic GAMEs For BennuGD" en desarrollo


in effects, in my directory


I have these program:


and lib "" ecc.ecc.


Sorry, I need more information for help you.
I will need all your SD structure directory. ie
|          |
|          +-    bgdc
|                 bgdi
|                  ...
|                  ...
          + -- my_recourses_directory
          |             |
          |             +-- my_image.png
          +-- my_game.dcb
          +-- my_game.prg
          +-- my_game.gpe

I will need the information of your script tu run your application (normally called like your application but ending in ".gpe") ie my_game.gpe.


export PATH

echo 2 > /proc/cpu/alignment

bgdc my_game.prg
bgdi my_game.dcb

cd /usr/gp2x
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

Monstruos Diabólicos

"A PAck of classic GAMEs For BennuGD" en desarrollo


One thing I did not understand:

+ - My_game.dcb: how do I do this dcb?

In the version for winxp --> BGDC.EXE ==. DCB(winxp)

,,, but for GP2, in my directory there bgdc but no extension.exe:  then as I do this dcb?

Tnk1000 for all help me.


Are you using enexfi? just use the browser (down center blue icon) and look for your .gpe.

In the GPE you got the line: bgdc yourgame.prg
This line generate your DCB, as same as windows (but in windows, BGDC got BGDC.EXE name, but it's the same). As i said before, LINUX DON'T HAVE EXEs, HAVE BINARY FILES to execute programs, without extensions.
Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


Quote from: DCelso on March 03, 2010, 04:47:24 PM
Sorry, I need more information for help you.
I will need all your SD structure directory. ie
|          |
|          +-    bgdc
|                 bgdi
|                  ...
|                  ...
          + -- my_recourses_directory
          |             |
          |             +-- my_image.png
          +-- my_game.dcb
          +-- my_game.prg
          +-- my_game.gpe

I will need the information of your script tu run your application (normally called like your application but ending in ".gpe") ie my_game.gpe.


export PATH

echo 2 > /proc/cpu/alignment

bgdc my_game.prg
bgdi my_game.dcb

cd /usr/gp2x
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

Equinox, can you put this information?, please.
* Your SD structure
* Your ".gpe" information.
Monstruos Diabólicos

"A PAck of classic GAMEs For BennuGD" en desarrollo


Sorry for error. This the informations:

Disco rimovibile(j) == SD my GP2XF200. There is my_game.prg--->I compile with bgdc.exe, bgdi.exe(c:\devbennu\bin): run ok in winxp.

...then I'm going bgd-runtime\my_gameDIRECTORY, press on my-game.gpe .... but after 2 seconds back to the blue screen of gp2x ...NO .DCB is create.

/* basic template file for Bennu Game Development */
PROGRAM Template;
import "mod_text"
import "mod_key"
   While( !key(_esc) )
       if( key(_A) )
           write(0,160,120,4, "LEFT");
       if( key(_B) )
           write(0,160,120,4, "RIGHT");


export PATH

echo 2 > /proc/cpu/alignment

bgdc my_game.prg
bgdi my_game.dcb

cd /usr/gp2x
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

...with all the lib .SO(
This my PC-dir in C:\ BENNU for winxp.

>Are you using enexfi?

I do not know what it is.

Yet again Tnk1000


Enexfi is an utility for browse and execute aplications in GP2X. It has an orange background.

That's your problem: in your GPE you are lokking for runtime on ../bgd-runtime (it means, go up one folder and enter on another file called bgd-runtime), but you got your runtime on ../

So there are two solutions:
-Change your GPE to


-Change the files location: bgd-runtime and my_game files must be in same file:

But bgdc, bgdi and al .so must be only on bgd-runtime folder. If you do that, you can play any bennu game without copiying al bennu files in every game, just like that:


NOTE: use ONLY ONE of this two solutions, don't use both at same tiem or it don't works :D :D :D
Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


Equinox, you should do the drumpi second solution better.
1.- You need create a directoy called "my_game" in the root of your SD.
2.- You need move to this directory my_game.prg and my_game.dcb
3.- You need move the rest of files to the directory bgd-runtime
4.- You can remove the directory called j:\bgd-runtime\my_game because it is not neccesary now.

Finally you will get the next structure in your SD.

Disco rimovibile (J:)\
         |          |
         |          +-    bgdc
         |                 bgdi
         |                  ...
         |                  ...
                   +-- my_game.gpe
                   +-- my_game.prg
Monstruos Diabólicos

"A PAck of classic GAMEs For BennuGD" en desarrollo