Micro Linux Completo, en 30 mb de ram...

Started by SplinterGU, June 23, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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SliTaz is a free micro GNU/Linux distro using BusyBox, a Linux kernel, and GNU free software. The goal of SliTaz is to have a GNU/Linux distro working in memory (RAM). Installable to a hard disk, with good support for French language web, It offers reliability, high performance and PC recycling. SliTaz boots with Syslinux and provides more than 200 Linux commands, the LightTPD web server, SQLite database, rescue tools, IRC client, SSH client/server powered by Dropbear, X window system, JWM (Joe's Window Manager), gFTP, Geany IDE, Mozilla Firefox, Alsaplayer, Gparted, a sound file éditor and much more. SliTaz's ISO image will always fit on less than 30 MB, to try and give you a reasonable selection of software.

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