Pixtudio Pack (SteamWorks + Google Play Services + Photon Network )

Started by l1nk3rn3l, April 30, 2016, 10:31:24 PM

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To start please run IDE first ..  \\ide\\notepad.exe


Pixtudio Pack v1.3 alpha1  (26/05/2016)

+ New coldev packator - create a compact exe file with all media..(data, sounds and graphics) press F8 to create Exe and

press F10 to pack game  in IDE
+ Fixed export to android (now export with release version - play store compatible)
+ Now pack is available in zip portable .. not installer (only advance users)


Pixtudio Pack v1.2 b1  (28/04/2016)

+ Notepad ++  more complete highlight code and Function List .. thanks to warrior_rockk and Grew(Benjamin-Hoffmann)
+ Android Build - fixed (only debug export)


Pixtudio Pack v1.2  (28/04/2016)

+ 11 new full game examples thanks to pixel, La momia que fuma and Ulthar Kaufman
+ New Publish Option (initially with Windows.Linux,Android Export)   Android SDK included !!
+ Included tools source code
+ Other cool new features..


Pixtudio Pack v1.1  (15/03/2016)

+ Image Editor + PaintStar v2.70 (Gimp Clone)
+ Editor IDE + some visual fixes


Pixtudio Pack v1.0  (14/03/2016)

+ Ide - notepad++ v6.9
+ Editor Build exe files - with no DLLs dependency

+ Pixtudio 14/03/2016
+ SpriteVortex v1.4
+ examples fixed
+ FNT editor by DCelso
+ FPG editor by DCelso



Thank you very much! This is really useful :)


There is an error message when launching "empaquetador.exe"! "command line params required.. !"
My game developer instagram :


Empaquetador only runs with IDE...

1.please run IDE.. 
2.open game example 
then .. 
3. press F9. . to run empaquetador
4. enjoy


Thank you !
Very nice work !
My game developer instagram :



To begin enter        \\IDE\\ NOTEPAD.EXE IDE    and open the example you want then compile with F6

Pixtudio Pack v1.3 alpha1  (26/05/2016)

+ New coldev packator - create a compact exe file with all media..(data, sounds and graphics) press F8 create Exe and  press F10 to pack game
+ Fixed export to android (now export with release version - play store compatible)
+ Now pack is available in zip portable .. not installer (only advance users)


Soon Examples of this version (Play Services android libraries and others) are included soon,
for now use the examples of the previous version ...


Working on Anarkade. A couch multiplayer 2D shooter.



Working on Anarkade. A couch multiplayer 2D shooter.


It is improving progress ...

+ New features already proven:
  and ended the system of direct communication with bennu-> android and android -> bennu
sdl2 technically runs on a threat model (something like a multitasking model)
so is more complex change, sdl tasks as it touches contact the thread
that is running .. and add to that the java virtual machine (dalvik for android) makes everything
is more compact and inaccessible, (including consultations whenever a class no longer has the same address in memory) so the delay of the implementation of the new features ...

We have already achieved this:

- Local multi support (in short you can make your game for multiple languages)
- If we get the new tools well ,,, you can with one click translate your game into more than 20 languages
  and include in the game ... if it sounds a little confusing but we're on it

  Example: a simple menu in windows or android or windows phone
  call the string that you have in languages:

  OK button = locale_get_string string ( "buttonok"); // Ok button chain (automatically selects the system language
                                                                        But no translation ... // returns the default language selected in development)
                                                                        // If the system language is Spanish return "accept" that would chain
                                                                        // Stored internally BennuGD locale ..

  botonCancel = locale_get_string string ( "buttoncancel"); // return cancel

  I think any sdk has the option of multi locale as complete as we will raise ..
  Unity has a similar plugin ... but payment ...

Advantages: It only requires translate everything before publishing the game, so it saves time, and
               not use abusive mind-reading memory and translation of a xml .. so can
              have an adventure with hundreds of lines of dialogue, without ending memory .. (mobile friendly)

something similar to the NetBeans IDE have your choice of languages ​​... but serious translation bennu with manual / automatic ...

- Ability to launch advertising at any time of the game ... not necessarily the start as other sdk.
  (For example the player finish a level .. then we send advertising and then returns to the next level)

Suddenly short-term promise (promise only)

- Capacity UNICODE strings (strings), for other countries such as China, Arab countries, South Korea and Japan join BennuGD / pixtudio .. or even to publish games in these countries in their native language ...

    But it is only a promise [/ b] since bennu is based on characters (char) only reach up to the number 255 ..
  unicode character has int16 and int32 characters ....

serious unicode utf-32 and its representation on screen is another mess ...
   The solution we have proposed is internally using base64-wstring chains .. and then represent them on the screen as they should
  It behooves change internally as large-scale and very costly bennu serious ...



Bennugd/Pixtudio now can call java functions in code..

New funtions:
+ Android ID
+ GetExternalDirectory
+ GetResourceString
+ ExternalstorageIsReady

Debugging new functions..


Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


Great news:

Pixtudio Pack v1.4 beta1  (30/08/2016)

+ Bennugd Pixtudio commit 15/07/2016
+ Android Export - Now Admob Ads compatible - Not available in this Beta
+ 2  new Android examples: examples\01_beginner\android\
+ Support Android processors Armv5/Armv6/Armv7 and X86 and Mips.
+ Support Android 2.3.4 ~ 7.0(android N) -> Api Level 10 ~ 24
+ New JavaAndroid functions in Bennu
+ New debugger option in empaquetador(packer)
+ More fixes and other options
+ New FPG editor thanks to fenixlib created by Darío Cutillas Carrillo
  FPG editor is compatible with Android fpg's
+ New XNConvert tool to convert batch+images very easy (Thanks: Pierre-e Gougelet)




Available new pixtudio pack

Pixtudio Pack v1.4 beta2  (25/10/2016)

+ New FPG and Font Editor (fpg-editor_r4.0.2) by DCelso
+ Pixtudio Player Export R24.10.2016 (any bugs fixed)
+ Android examples improved with back button

