web bennu

Started by SplinterGU, March 09, 2009, 05:46:15 PM

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What are you thinking of exactly, with this offline documentation? A PDF generated from the wiki contents? Or again new documentation?
Because if it's a new source and even multilingual, there is still a possible problem that one gets updated and the other one doesn't. Of course, this is no problem for the Spanish, since they can read both and I have only experienced once that someone (Darío) translated non-English documentation to English and I don't find this a promising number, given that the wiki has been around for 2 years (in fact, one of these days is its birthday!). I am not criticising anyone, just pointing out that there's a lack of interest in the job. What if I had written the Wiki in Dutch, my native language? It would be not only useless to you, but also to almost everyone else.
However, a PDF generated from the wiki is a great idea, providing it is a feasible project. If I was not so busy I'd look into it, making a converter program or something using LaTeX. But I'm busy as it is.
-- Sandman


How y'all like the new wiki front page? Well, I like it. ;D
-- Sandman


I like it too. Great stuff. Maybe I should change the orange color to other more close to Bennu's style. It's an idea.


I fin it to be muvh more organized & easy to use than the old one, great work!


It´s really really good!!
Thanks a lot!!


Great job Sandman, I like the new style. Karma up!


You have changed the colors: I like how has get. Thank you!


I must say that I like more the format with menu on top... menu on left is very wide.
Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


He cambiado la sección What is Bennu? de bennugd.org. He reordenado un par de cosas y he añadido imágenes y enlaces.
Decidme qué os parece y qué se podría mejorar; la idea es que a alguien que no conozca Bennu le resulte atractivo, no dar todos los detalles de lo que puede hacer.


no me va el link...
Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


A mi me gustaria el look con el menu arriba en vez del costado... como lo teniamos antes.
Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


Quote from: SplinterGU on April 28, 2009, 12:18:21 AM
no me va el link...
Arreglado, sorry :)

Con respecto a lo del menú, yo no puedo hacer nada, es cosa de Pixel. Me refería al contenido del artículo, las imágenes...


felicidades por la página, está increíble :)  :o
en humos puedes mover la camara con los cursores. es necesario para los niveles a partir del dos :)


Me parece que sólo se mostraba una de las tres imágenes que metí...
Las he cambiado y parece que ahora funciona, pero intentaré moverlas a otro sitio.


el contenido esta perfecto.
Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2