Hey everyone new person here

Started by tao76, September 03, 2010, 04:07:53 PM

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Hi everyone just thought I'd do my first post just to say hi and that I'm excited to learn all about working with Bennu. Have no real experience so it should be interesting...

So far have downloaded it for my windows vista and tried some example files in notepad++ but don't really know what i was doing so couldn't compile them to see how they work. Oh well guess i'll keep testing things :)

Just finished trying Ruckage's Snake on Dope on my caanoo and really impressed. Loving the game.

Looking forward to trying to contribute to the community.


Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


Welcome! Hope to hear a lot from you and see a lot of new games!
