So I guess I just pulled a ruckage, huh?

Started by Fourty-one, September 24, 2010, 01:24:36 AM

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Probably should have posted "hi" in here first, but whatever. Better late than never!

My name's Fourty-one, and I'm an aspiring programmer. The only problem is: I'm stupid. Really, really stupid. Try making your explaination of something make sense to a trained monkey. Then get someone else to explain the explaination so that I will understand. That's how stupid I can be. In most cases, I understand well. But don't underestimate the power of stupidity.

Back to the point: I'm here, I've known about Bennu for a while now, but I don't program as often as I'd like to, thanks to my schedule. I will try to pop in every now and then to check up on things. Hopefully I'll be able to eventually contribute something of value to this forum.

So, yeah. Hello World!
Stupidity. Its contagious.
You might want to get away from me before it spreads.


Hi there Fourty-one, no one's stupid, we're all learning, just like you! Welcome to the forums! Feel free to ask questions away!
"Life is cheap when the bounty is high"


Hi! Everybody feels the same when starting, the cool thing about Bennu is that you'll get to do very cool things soon and with much less effort than you'd need if using other languages.


Don't worry, we all have to learn things from the start. It to me years to really understand certain concepts
about programming. But, I'd suggest you look at the documentation wiki, there's a lot of helpfull information
about bennu there.