
Started by abtabdn, April 13, 2011, 08:52:04 PM

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I come here by way of the readme for the new streets of rage remake that was just released. It name dropped Bennu and I thought that was an interesting name for a language. I don't really have coding experience, I've been working in Game Maker 8 for a couple months now but I do very little scripting in it. I feel extremely limited by it's design and don't want to spend time learning a language that I can already tell is going to hold my ideas back.

So, here I am. I have no idea where to start honestly. The beginners tutorial isn't on the wiki anymore, and I don't know spanish so I can't read any of those tutorials. Anyways, just wanted to say hey, I'll be lurking these forums for a while to see if I can figure this stuff out, if not I'll probably give up.

See ya around.


Welcome to your DOOM!



include samples, tutorials, tools and +


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Hi and welcome!
Don't doubt to ask about any doubts you might have.


Si quieres ser sabio, aprende a interrogar razonablemente, a escuchar con atención, a responder serenamente y a callar cuando no tengas nada que decir.


I see that readme in SoRR was a cool idea, it will be cool if we all use to add it to our projects :D

Welcome dude
Iván García Subero. Programador, profesor de informática, monitor de actividades culturales y presidente de TRINIT Asociación de Informáticos de Zaragoza.


Well, what kind of game do you wish to make? Something like the Streets of Rage remake is a very sophisticated example (wish it's code where opensource because it's so well made :(), but you should start out with some of the basics in bennupack.
The wiki still has the side scrolling shoot 'em up tutorial, maybe you could have a look at it.


it was pulled due to a request by sega


Great welcome guys, thank you all.

I'm not looking to do anything sophisticated actually. Not at all. I'd be happy just to start making some pong.

I'll give the shoot em up example a shot. I looked at it before and thought it looked like a good tutorial, but I was hoping for some more general help in learning the language.

I would like to rewrite the game I'm working on in game maker to bennu, it's fairly simple, just collision checking, objects that bounce around a room, stuff like that. But my main issue with game maker is that if I ran into a problem where something just didn't work right, I had to change the design of the game to make it work with game maker's mechanics.

I checked out the BennuPack at the link that was posted and was way overwhelmed. I couldn't find any actual english tutorials, just code examples, which I'm sure will be very helpful but I'm terrible at learning from staring at code.

Edit: The shoot em up tutorial is missing the fpg needed. Is there anyone who still has it by chance?


Do you know DIV gamestudio? It a precursor of the Bennu language. It was also released in an english version.
It came with very good tutorials, you may find it on the easily internet with some googling. Some of the bennupack tutorials
(the basic samples) are based on some of these. DIV was for dos, but you can use it with dosbox.


Quote from: handsource-dyko on April 17, 2011, 10:13:09 AM
Do you know DIV gamestudio? It a precursor of the Bennu language. It was also released in an english version.
It came with very good tutorials, you may find it on the easily internet with some googling. Some of the bennupack tutorials
(the basic samples) are based on some of these. DIV was for dos, but you can use it with dosbox.

you have an english version of DIV? I want it, you can send me an image of it?
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me too. that would be nice :). if you need help how to make an image of it ready for bittorrent i can help you with that.


Way back in 1999 the orginal version was released in holland in a english version. This same version was also released in the UK by fasttrack.
The manual and all the tutorial games where also translated. The dutch version is in english, but the manual was translated to dutch. I still use that manual sometimes.

The pics...


please, you can send me this english version? or a link where download it?

I don't need manual.
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