compiling bennu on windows with codeblocks or dev c++

Started by handsource-dyko, June 26, 2011, 01:11:04 PM

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I am back from vacation and I have thought about some experiments. I want to compile bennu myself under windows, but I haven't really got the faintest idea how compile it. Under linux you type ./configure etc etc, but on windows I can't do this. I have already installed mingw and codeblocks, but when I try to compile moddsec gcc complains about loadlib.h. I think it must have something to do with make and configure.

I am not very familiar with c compilers (things like make have hold me back, delphi/lazarus is easier). Also another thing, mod_ffi doesn't seem to be included anymore, just as I want to create some small dll with lazarus to call native windows dialog boxes from bennu. This is a kind of an experiment I want to do, so I it's new to me. I'd just wonder if this can be done without a bgdi extension dll. Currently I have used zenity for file dialogs , but I feel that a dll that replicates zenity's functionality would be better. Zenity doesn't seem to like windows 7, so I'm thinking about a different approach.

Maybe someone could create a general tutorial on compiling bennu itself on specifically windows since things on windows are kind of different then under linux where you just have to install developer packages and libs.


I undesratnd Bennu is prepared to be cross-compiled from linux to windows.
Anyway, appart from mingw, install msys and from there doo the usual ./configure --prefix=$whatever$ && make && make install (provided you've got the required dependencies installed, of course).


I've come a long way now, I found the script, and ran that with MSYS.
I downloaded and extracted these archives and put them in the C:\MinGW\include directory, but I am not quite
sure if they are supposed to be located there, since the build fails (it can't find the libraries).


Should these files be located somewhere else, or do I also have to download binary versions of them or compile these
first seperately? My knowlegde of unix stuff is quite basic and putting the library sources there was kind of an educated guess.


you need the .h and .lib and .dll files of this products
Download Lastest BennuGD Release:


I have advanced further, on a site about sdl how to compile it with mingw. I sucessfully compiled sdl, sdl mixer, zlib and libpng,
but I'm not quite sure about smpeg. I ran the compilation script again and it does not complain anymore, but still does not compile.
But I'm making some progress. Basically, what I learned today is these things:

./configure --help
./configure --prefix=/mingw
make install



Quote from: SplinterGU on June 27, 2011, 03:16:39 PM
you need the .h and .lib and .dll files of this products

I have put the dll's in the bennugd directory, but where can I obtain the .h and .lib files and where (in wich directory should I put them?)
I have sucessfully compiled sdl, sdl mixer, libpng and zlib on mingw, but I can't find the .h and .lib files.


no, bad, you need make && make install for this products.
Download Lastest BennuGD Release:


I've done make && make install for the sdl and stuff, but the configure script of bennu has some issue with eay32. This is why it doesn't create the makefile and why it does not compile. Is eay32 some dependancy I missed?

configure: error: eay32 not found!

Is what I get.