hello world

Started by cmunoz, December 11, 2011, 03:09:29 AM

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geeky headline, sorry bout that
Name's Christof, live in California,
pretty decent at Actionscript 2 but ready to branch out into other aspects of programming
interested in linux because mainstream computer companies are in a race to tie the users' hands
don't know anything about linux
want to make games
trying to get the idea of bennu, the language ain't so bad, it's just that coming from flash it was so easy to attach a few lines of code to a movie clip, so everything was spatially and temporally organized. Now it's just this one huge barf of code in a text file.
made this:


Download Lastest BennuGD Release: http://www.bennugd.org/node/2


Ah, so I did, thank you for the reminder. And thanks for the Darth Vader greeting.