Graphics: Sprites, Animations,...

Started by drai_kin, November 26, 2009, 04:04:50 PM

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In this topic I will post the animations as soon as i finish them, and all the the things related to graphics.

Here first goes a little bit the wip process for those 3 sprites in the presentation :

Mage idle:walk:
Archer: walk: bow: short sword : jump:

knight: walk:

From now the grafx updates will be more sparse, I ve got to plunge into programming or maybe game will just be a collection of animated gifs xD (but stay tunned ^^)

All comments and critiques are welcome and appreciated ;)


awesome men!!! ^^

really nice graphs. :D My game will run with much less cool sprites ^^

My only comment is about the shoes of your archer. It looks much better in the first paint.
"PoCoYo es dios!!"


Wow, you will win in graphics category.
I see something wrong in archer's feet. Thumbs are too shorter i think, but boots looks like become shorter when go forward, don't they?
Hala, como con 1001 procesos sólo va a 9 FPS, vamos a meterle 32 veces más, a ver si revienta.
(Drumpi epic moment)


Iván García Subero. Programador, profesor de informática, monitor de actividades culturales y presidente de TRINIT Asociación de Informáticos de Zaragoza.


These graphs seem professional, you are very good drawing. I like this sprites:
Great job!


Thank you all for the kind comments :)

Drumpi & animanegra: you are right, the feet are not finish yet, there is definitely a problem there, they are giving quite the head ache :P

More to come soon!


drai_kin what program are you using for drawing this sprites?


woow very good, (i´ll considers the second place now ;) )
¿the sprites are hand drawing?


Thanks !

I basically use GIMP, I also use chara maker pro. I block the animation with GIMP ( layers are very helpful against mistakes :P ) then go to charamaker pro to refine it.

I basically start drawing the animation with black lines, when I am happy with the movement then I fill in the colors:)


¿Chara Maker Pro? I must take a look on it...
Iván García Subero. Programador, profesor de informática, monitor de actividades culturales y presidente de TRINIT Asociación de Informáticos de Zaragoza.



update first post with the finished walk cycle for the archer and the unfinished (but quite advanced ) bow shot sequence

tomorrow there will be another one or two ( who knows...  ;D)


Well, besides some minor tweaks, I am satisfied with the archer movement set, if I have time I will add running but for now, I have enough to develop more the engine. So from now on the graphs step down into the priority list, so next graphic update might take I while ^^

more engine related updates soon  ;)


"PoCoYo es dios!!"


Very good loooking sprites!

Good work!
Torres Baldi Studio